Latest Episodes

The Road to Splitsville
Julie Ellenbecker-Lipsky, EIG President & Senior Wealth Advisor sits down with attorney Jeffrey Stephens and psychologist Ronald Raymond to discuss their book, The Road...

Stakeholder Economics & Certified B Corps
Heather Deaton, EIG Wealth Advisor, explores the concepts of stakeholder economics with Lisa Geason-Bauer, Trained B Corps Consultant. They discuss Certified B Corporations, their...

Mobile Living Lifestyle
Kristina Schnuckel, Director of Client Experience & Wealth Advisor at EIG, sits down with Julie Dybul of Global Mobile Living, to discuss exploring the...

EIG Tax Team Roundtable
Join the EIG Tax Team for an end-of-year tax discussion covering the new residential energy credits, electric vehicle credits, and Secure Act 2.0 changes...

Student Loan Payments with Jack Wallace
Heather Deaton, Wealth Advisor at EIG, talks with Jack Wallace, Director of Government and Lender Relations at Yrefy, on what you need to know...

Fourth Quarter Market Update with Dick Schiller
Jamie Williams, CFP®, Wealth Advisor sits down with Dick Schiller, CFA®, CPA® of Pavlic Investment Advisors to discuss the current state of the markets....